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Membru din: 22. iunie 2024

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sâmbătă, 22. iunie 2024, 11:00

MMOEXP : Elden Ring subreddit showcasing something bizarre

While fans are still trying to determine what exactly, we're dealing with this Elden Ring Runes time, video footage of the incident caught the attention of thousands of players , and gave them yet an interesting aspect to think about while playing FromSoftware's adventure game filled with mystery.

In the early morning of March 18 Reddit user teristam posted a video on the Elden Ring subreddit showcasing something bizarre. In their video, they walked up to a nondescript wall located inside Volcano Manor, which is supposedly a location for late-games, and begin hitting it with a sword. After 50 blows, the wall blinks out of existence and unveils an entirely new path was not seen by anyone before. The video quickly became a sensation on Reddit because it appeared to imply some absurd puzzle which a common person wouldn't find without prompting such as this which is also known as data mining. If this sounds like a bizarre idea it's because this game is filled with obscure puzzles and mysterious mechanics as well as FromSoftware creates worlds for games that are that reward players for experimenting and exploring. Intentionality wasn't completely out of possibilities.

As a result, players quickly started checking and assuring that the fake wall was real and in the game. The secret entrance gained more fame and more attention when popular Dark Souls YouTuber Iron Pineapple shared the Reddit clip on Twitter.However even though many believed this was just another trollish secret hidden in a game with similar secrets, there appears to be something more to this story.

According to another Reddit user who reacted to the original subreddit post the wall is actually an identical and fake wall located near the viral doorway in the initial video. The post also included a photo of the wall and some spoiler-y details about its location, which you can read here. The fake wall can be removed by the same method and with a number of strikes from a weapon of your choice. However, it's not as demanding as many hits, based on the statistics you've gathered, players have claimed.

To be clear: The idea of hiding behind fake walls isn't what got Elden Ring players excited. Weird walls that hide secrets are an integral aspect of Elden Ring. These so-called "illusory walls" are already known and well-documented. What makes these (and one similar) hidden wall so strange is the fact that it doesn't operate similarly to other illusory walls in the game, lacking the same sound cues when vanishing, returning when you rest at a Site of Grace, and needing dozens and dozens hits to open. Although at first, the footage spread the belief the door could have been a deliberate design but some players and experts now speculate that this wall may be an issue or an oversight left in the game by the devs.

Famous Dark Souls hacker Zullie seemingly verified this notion--that it was an error made by the developers on March 18 in a brief Twitter post. They claimed that after probing the game files and digging into the fake wall they discovered that the door's display shows 9999 hit points. It's similar to some objects that are unbreakable in Dark Souls having 999 HP. But, these objects also had 999 defense, meaning they never take damage from any attack and can only be broken via triggers in the game or events that are scripted by the developers.

"The [Elden Ringwall is being constructed as a destructible structure, but having 9999 HP without a fade-out motion suggests it was most likely designed to be destroyed by the event's script" explained Zullie in a tweet. "Though it's unclear if they did that or if it's a bug. It's definitely got 9999 defense though."Illusory Wall, a popular Dark Souls expert who also suggested that the fake wall was unintentional confirmed Zullie's findings in their opinion, confirming their findings on the wall.

It's a fact that until developers FromSoftware and Bandai Namco officially clarify if this fake wall and other similarly hard-to-crack secrets are intentional tricks or unplanned bugs We can't be certain. MMOexp has reached out to Bandai Namco about the fake wall, and whether it's a bug that will eventually be fixed by a new large update such as the recently released 1.03 patch.

Even if this wall is described as an accidental glitch or oversight but it's bound to result in cheap Elden Ring Runes players hitting every object in sight for weeks or months or even years while searching for every last secret, hidden room, and unlockable item of equipment or weapon.