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  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 20:08

Hello i am an english man living in Romania looking for good catfishing places

I am a English man living in Romania for the last 4 years i have fished all over the uk for carp / pike / and my favorite catfish
since i have been living here i have found it very hard to find any were to fish and was hoping some one here could help me find some were to fish
i would be very interested to go fishing with some of the fellow fisherman here

Thanks Dave



Răspunsuri: 601

Membru din: 10. decembrie 2012

Locație: Rm Valcea

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 20:34

Welcome Dave... we are happy to have you with us. Try writing in romanian, use google translate so you can communicate with the forum members. Tight lines :prieteni:



Răspunsuri: 43

Membru din: 16. august 2012

Locație: alba iulia

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 20:40

No....salutare! Oare putem grai in romaneste....daca tot locuiesti in romania! :prieteni:



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 21:00

i didnt think to use google translate thank you both for replying so quick :) yes im still living here and will be for along time i love romania it ture is the most beautiful place to me in the world . now i just got to find some were to fish :)



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 21:01

i didnt cred că pentru a utiliza Google Translate vă mulțumesc amândurora pentru a răspunde atât de rapid :) da im încă în viață aici și va fi de -a lungul timpului i place România se turii este cel mai frumos loc pentru mine în lume . acum i chiar luat pentru a găsi unele au fost să pescuiască :)



Răspunsuri: 8 041

Membru din: 9. ianuarie 2012

Locație: Rastatt/Germania - Divici+Deta/Romania

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 21:25

i didnt cred că pentru a utiliza Google Translate vă mulțumesc amândurora pentru a răspunde atât de rapid :) da im încă în viață aici și va fi de -a lungul timpului i place România se turii este cel mai frumos loc pentru mine în lume . acum i chiar luat pentru a găsi unele au fost să pescuiască :)

Hi and Welcome. :noroc:
Where do you live now? I mean, in what city? :gandesc:
Pescuiește legal, și NU bracona!
C&R, un alt mod de a "savura" peștele...



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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duminică, 26. octombrie 2014, 22:10

i live in a village outside falticeni suceava called boroaia

Răspunsuri: 271

Membru din: 7. ianuarie 2014

Locație: Galati

Profesia: Inginer

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 09:14

Hello Dave
Nice to have u with us!
About fishing you can try on tha Siret river near Roman wich is abot 50 km south of you as some real nice catfish where caught in that area!
best regards!



Răspunsuri: 282

Membru din: 24. februarie 2012

Locație: Nördlingen/Resita

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 11:16

hello dave,

I don't know very well the area in which you live, but as far I can see on google maps, the best solution for you is to try to fish for catfish on Siret river. Where exactly, that i can't tell you because, how i already said, i don't know the area (maybe near Pascani???).

Silly question : do you have an romanian fishing permit/license?
Voi ma urati ca sunt altfel, eu va compatimesc ca sunteti toti la fel.

Răspunsuri: 616

Membru din: 17. aprilie 2012

Locație: sibiu

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 11:17

Dave, for places in your surrounding areas you should ask the locals or local fishing stores :ochi: Even if they won't tell you the exact catfish hiding places in the area they'll be able to give you a good hint . If you like traveling and you are not short on time and money this will be a good place to start especially in this period o f the year : Danube Delta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 16:34

hello all thank you for all your reply's i haven't go a license yet because i am very busy at the moment so was looking to go fishing after Christmas . what times of the year are best here for catfish? i have tryed to ask all the local people but no one knows about catfish . i tryed my only tackle shop and he said to go to the dunarii i do plan to go next year but not sure when is best here . if anyone fishes in the uk and wonts to catch big catfish i know some great places
thanks again everyone for the help



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 16:47

oh and what bait here do you all use ? i normally use halibut pellets or squid in the uk

Răspunsuri: 2 641

Membru din: 24. februarie 2012

Locație: Bucuresti

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 18:19

Hi and welcome, Dave, and stretched wire(fir intins)!
Mai bine sa taci si sa lasi impresia ca esti prost, decat sa vorbesti sa spulberi orice indoiala! Inteleptul nu spune ce stie, prostul nu stie ce spune!

Răspunsuri: 616

Membru din: 17. aprilie 2012

Locație: sibiu

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 18:32

You just missed the best time of the year which is in September -October (there is another good period in May and June but then fishing it's prohibited due to reproduction) . If the locals do not know much about the catfish in your area it is because most probably there are none or they are not to many (which means that you have to do some traveling for cat-fishing) . Here, bait fishermen, are usually using live bait such as fish, worms and bugs, so the fish here are not used to pellets .



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 20:02

oh right so not much fishing in the summer then. traveling is not a problem for me . i thought it would be live or dead baiting for them .
so ive got a long wait now then till i can get after them

thank you again for the hep and the welcoming

Răspunsuri: 271

Membru din: 7. ianuarie 2014

Locație: Galati

Profesia: Inginer

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 20:25

in this time of yer u can be succesfull at pike fishing

Răspunsuri: 616

Membru din: 17. aprilie 2012

Locație: sibiu

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luni, 27. octombrie 2014, 22:10

Dave , you still have a small chance to fish for cats with lures , especially jigging can be rewarding. :ochi:
PS. By the way, in which part of UK were you born? your English it's a bit odd. :zambet:



  • Autorul acestui subiect este »dave«

Răspunsuri: 11

Membru din: 26. octombrie 2014

Locație: boroaia suceava romania

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marți, 28. octombrie 2014, 17:18

my English is a bit odd ??? how do you mean ? i was borne in Kent that is in the south of England

Răspunsuri: 616

Membru din: 17. aprilie 2012

Locație: sibiu

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marți, 28. octombrie 2014, 18:57

Well , I'm not a English teacher but, there are some mistakes in your written English which mistakes a native Englishman would not do :zambet: There are also some expressions which native English speaker won't use and some expressions which they prefer to use. So your English sounds like it has bin translated from another language by someone who does not know it very well .


I am a English man (Englishman ?) living in Romania for the last 4 years i(I ?) have fished all over the uk for carp / pike / and my favorite catfish
since i (I ?) have been living here i(I ?) have found it very hard to find any were (anywhere?) to fish and was hoping some one (someone?) here could help me find some were (somewhere? )to fish i (I ?) would be very interested to go fishing with some of the fellow fisherman here

Thanks Dave

hello all thank you for all your reply's (replies ?) i (I ?) haven't go a license yet because i (I ?) am very busy at the moment so was looking to go fishing after Christmas . what times of the year are best here for catfish? (are best for catfish here ?) i (I ?)have tryed(tried?) to ask all the local people but no one knows about catfish . i tryed (I tried?) my only tackle shop (the only tackle shop in my city/town/area ) and he said (the manager said or the salesman said) to go to the dunarii i do plan to go next year but not sure when is best here . if anyone fishes in the uk (UK) and wonts (wants?) to catch big catfish i(I?) know some great places
thanks again everyone for the help

my English is a bit odd ??? how do you mean (what do you mean by that ?) ? i was borne in Kent that is in the south of England


marți, 28. octombrie 2014, 18:58

Puteti cauta cu google, 羅馬尼亞必須遵守羅馬 . De ce oare 羅馬尼亞必須遵守羅馬 ?