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Membru din: 7. noiembrie 2023

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marți, 5. martie 2024, 12:41

Change your life in just 30 minutes+27788523569:do you need power to perform miracles? PASTOR IS HERE FOR HELPING YOU WITH POWERFUL MAGIC PRAYES ,USA,UK,RSA,CANADA,SOUTH AFRICA Breakthrough

Change your life in just 30 minutes+27788523569:do you need power to perform miracles? PASTOR IS HERE FOR HELPING YOU WITH POWERFUL MAGIC PRAYES ,USA,UK,RSA,CANADA,SOUTH AFRICA Breakthrough Make Miracles Protection fame Business Attraction Are you a pastor, do you need power to perform miracles in your church, do you need to heal the people, make lame walk, make blind to see, make deaf people to hear, heal barrenness in women, and many more come to pastor Mpagi to gain powers to perform those miracles
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Are You A Pastor The ...... will provide Healing Powers to all manner of sicknesses and diseases, deliverance from satanic manipulations, perform miracles/wonders and rising above. It also attract Mass Wealthy Congregations to your Church/temple.
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Pastors and Healers in many churches in Africa and Middle East are using this Fortune Teller Ring in their prophesying work. ### ###..
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